Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jumping in with both feet

It started innocently enough. My best friend moved her daughter (MY God Daughter) into her new bedroom. She asked me, "Is there anyway you could do some of those Winnie the Pooh characters on her walls?"

I thought for a short moment and said, "Well...I know you can buy vinyl for wall art. Remember that home party we went to? I know it is available in many colors. I am not sure how layering will work. But I could try."

We looked online for vinyl in several colors. We planned. We cut pieces out of freezer paper so we could figure out how big to cut everything. We spent approximately 40 hours working on this little project. Are there flaws??? Yep!! But we learned a few things to do differently next time. the way I look at it, The project was a success, because at least we both said there will be a next time!!

Here is a little peek at our project. Sorry, the picture quality is rather poor. The lighting was even worse. I am scanning it from a picture she printed for me. She hasn't sent me the digital copy yet. Once I get some better pictures I will post them.
Happy Scrappin'!!

Friday, February 20, 2009


HI....Welcome!! Glad you came to visit. I am gonna attempt this Blog thing. There are a few that I follow and thought it might be fun to give it a try. Maybe post some of my work. Share some of my opinions. Hopefully others will share theirs too. I have to confess, at the moment I am having a mini panic attack...wondering if I will have anything that is of any interest to anyone buy me.

Maybe I should start with an introduction. I am kgscrapper. For the inquiring minds "kg" is my first and middle initial. Not the most creative but...#1 I liked the sound and #2 it was an available blog name. I am a 40 something, wife and mother of 2. Hubby and I will have been married for 20 years come October!! WOWSERS!!

My son, "Mr.D" is 18, and attempting to find his own way in the world. (Right now I think he needs a better map...but THAT is another issue.)

My daughter, "The Lovely Miss H", is 15. She lives to dance. Jazz, tap, hip hop, high kick, ballet, lyrical and pointe ballet. She does them all pointe and hip hop being her favorite.

I work full time outside the home, and am also taxi to all dance practices, performances, and other social events. Therefore, like many I dint have as much time to devote to my hobby ( some call it an addiction) as I would like to. I started scrap booking, about 4 years ago when Miss H's Girl Scout troop did a until on scrap booking and invited a Creative Memories consultant to share some tips. Over the years my styles have changed and evolved. I have learned new techniques and am always looking to learn more. Recently I have also started card making. I find scrapping and card making to be a great stress reliever!!

So there it is, my first blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment, introduce yourself, and add a link to your blog. I am anxious to get to know other scrappers/card makers/paper crafters out there.

Happy Scrappin'!!