Monday, July 19, 2010

There's a hole in the wall

I never thought I would be excited about a hole in the wall....well never say never!! I have a hole not only in the wall of my scraproom, but also the ceiling. That hole is located when the chimney used to be. Once this is covered up and painted I will have more usable space in my scraproom. I am so this time next week I should be all moved (back) in. As much as I would have liked to spend sometime scrapping last weekend...this is definately worth the sacrifice!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Just like Starting Over

I haven't blogged in FOREVER!! I just never seem to take time to write my own posts, although I am always "creepin'" on other people's blogs. I am going to give this another try.

Last weekend I headed Des Moines Iowa. MY BFF and I attended the CK Convention. We had a blast!! We took seven, yes SEVEN classes in two days and we shopped!! So now I am full of fresh ideas and new inspiration. I have also been participating in 3 card groups. Although my heart is still in scrapbooking, cards are a quick way to get my creative "fix" in and it seems like I always need a card for one ting or another.

Since I don't have any great pics to share of neat ideas ready at this exact moment...check this out. Crafter's Companion has a new release. They are so cute!! Check out the sneak peak and and follow their desing team with some awesome art work!! AND THEY"VE GOT CANDY!!! WOOT!!

Until next time.....